All manuscripts sent to "Farmacja Polska" are checked for violation of the author's personal rights – plagiarism using the Similarity Check service (https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/), a service enabling editors to view published and sent content in terms of originality by providing access to Turnitin iThenticate software. Cases of suspected misconduct, including plagiarism and duplication of publications, are dealt with in accordance with the basic practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Proceedings regarding unethical publishing behavior

The publisher and the editor-in-chief take reasonable steps to prevent scientific abuse and identify publications that are of scientific misconduct. In the case of alleged or proven inappropriate scientific behavior or plagiarism, the publisher, in close cooperation with the editor-in-chief, will take all measures to clarify the situation. To this end, he convenes the Ethics Committee in the editorial office of "Farmacja Polska" and, when considering a specific case, applies penalties appropriate to the degree of breach of ethics, from rectification and apology in the journal, to withdraw or delete an already published article, with information on the page of the journal about its withdrawal.