Damian Świeczkowski, Agnieszka Zimmermann

Zawód technika farmaceutycznego

Pharmacy technician profession

Support staff in the pharmacy profession, which pharmaceutical technicians depending on the country is characterized by a different professional competences and responsibilities. The purpose of this article is to compare the situation in Poland, Great Britain and the United States. Polish model involves broad competence and professional qualifications. In the UK, there are greater demands on the educational process and the supervision and the work of technicians. The most conservative model of functioning should be considered in the United States, where the technician performs most of the tasks under the direct oversees a qualified pharmacist. The evolution of pharmaceutical professions seems to be inevitable, naturally lead to an increase in the role of the pharmacist as an advisor in the pharmacotherapy for the patient and the doctor.

Thus, properly trained staff can help to improve the functioning of pharmacies in the future.

Keywords: pharmacy law, pharmacist, pharmacy technician.

© Farm Pol, 2014, 70(4): 198-204