Ewa Kilar, Tadeusz Kobierzycki, Filip Maj
Diagnoza onkologiczna u osób z predyspozycją dziedziczną
do nowotworów złośliwych piersi i jajnika w populacji świdnickiej (2005)
Oncological diagnosis in persons with hereditary predisposition to breast and ovary cancer in the population of Swidnica (2005). In co-operation with the Institution of Clinical Pharmacology of the Medical Academy in Wrocla/ the Onco-Life Team took part in the VII All-Polish Meetings of Oncological Pharmacy in Białowieża (4-7 October 2006) where doctor Eva Kilar introduced the scientific information on the subject: "The Therapeutic Decisions towards Persons with Hereditary Predisposition to Breast and Ovary Cancer" ( Świdnica 2005/. The article is a shortened version of the speech. (1) The results of standard oncological and oncogenetic investigations executed in a high risk group of predisposition to hereditary cancer in the Świdnica population in the year 2005, show the presence of breast and ovary cancer as well as other cancers. (2) The analysis of the mutation of the gene BRCA 1 /at the ESMO Conference on 29 September 2006 in Istanbul/ displayed the cancerous significance of the gene in the diagnosis and treatment of other cancers /e.g. the large intestine and lungs etc./. Similar observations have been made in the investigations of the oncologically high risk group in Świdnica. (3) The presented results of the investigations conducted in Świdnica /2005/ in the scope of undertaken programmes are still being analysed in respect to diagnostic accuracy and in order to elaborate a new therapeutic strategy.