Henryk Marona, Agnieszka Kornobis

Patofizjologia rozwoju żylaków oraz wybrane metody ich leczenia - aktualny stan wiedzy

Varicose veins of the lower limbs are clinical symptom of chronic venous disease (CVD). Varicose veins affect a significant part of the European population. A worrying fact is that the disorder is often neglected by patients who do not treat it as a medical but aesthetic problem. There are several risk factors of varicose veins known at the moment which are a family history, older age, female gender, an occupation connected with long standing or sitting position and a history of previous vein diseases. Research concerning pathomechanism of varicose veins has led to better understanding of processes characteristic for pathological changed vessels which are accompanied by both functional and structural abnormalities. However despite knowing etiologic factors like inflammation, decreased apoptosis of smooth-muscle cells, impaired contractility of blood vessels, changes in enzymes activity, valvular incompetence and imbalance in proportion of extracellular matrix components it has not been proved which of them is a primary factor. Current treatment options are compression, sclerotherapy, surgery and endovenous treatment. Pharmacotherapy with phlebotropic drugs is also widely used as a single method as well as combined with other methods.
Keywords: varicose veins, chronic venous disease, risk factors, physiopathology, therapy.

Patofizjologia rozwoju żylaków oraz wybrane metody ich leczenia - aktualny stan wiedzy

318.54 kB | 21 grudnia 2017