Iwona Błaszczyk, Elżbieta Ratajczak-Kubiak, Ewa Birkner

Korzystne i szkodliwe działanie fluoru

Advantageous and harmfully effect of fluoride. It is an essential trace element which is involved in the skeletal systems of teeth and bone. Act equal fluoride as essential nutritious component, as well as toxic radical. Fluoride ion shows an extraordinary chemical and biological activity and easily penetrates many types of cells in living organisms causing disturbances of their metabolism. Excessive exposition on this element may case fluorosis and can damage various tissues including the liver, kidney and brain. The diet and pharmaceutical preparations are an important source of fluoride, however, the use of fluoride must be controlled and adapted to individual needs.
Keywords: fluoride, doses, metabolism, toxicity.

Korzystne i szkodliwe działanie fluoru

85.21 kB | 21 grudnia 2017