Piotr Merks, Michał Byliniak, Krzysztof Słomiak, Katarzyna Szczęśniak, Paweł Wegrzyn, Katarzyna Krupa

Błędy związane z wydawaniem leków, sytuacja w Polsce i na świecie

Dispensing errors the current situation in Poland and in the world

Due to the lack of complete statistical data, the assessment of the scale of dispensing errors related to process of providing medicinal products is extremely difficult to estimate in Poland. However, it is assumed that errors of this class are not without effect on patients’ health. It is vital to remember that the role of the pharmacist is to supervise the process of medicines dispensing by eliminating the potential errors. This crucial task is a part of providing high standard of services provided via the community and hospital pharmacy to achieve the success of patient pharmacotherapy. Therefore, an article that attempts to define the term of “Pharmaceutical malpractice” and it’s legal consequences seem to be a paper that has not been addressed yet. Prior to the implementation of such a responsibly it is necessary to emphasize the pioneering nature of this summary.

Keywords: Pharmacy, dispensing errors, medical errors.
© Farm Pol, 2014, 70(1): 3-14